Sales related questions

How can I purchase a car from Adel Cars?
Guests can visit any Adel Cars sales center. Additionally, purchase requests can be made through the website or by calling the unified number 920006652.
How can I find out the release dates and availability of new cars?
New car launches are announced on our website and through our official social media accounts. Please follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and TikTok to stay updated on our latest cars.
Is it necessary to purchase a protection package with the car?
Purchasing a protection package is optional and not mandatory.
Can I request a test drive, and what models are available?
To request a test drive for a specific car, please use our website or visit the nearest sales center. A sales consultant will assist you based on the cars available for test drives.
General information for Adel car owners
Guests can contact the unified number 920006652 to inquire about the available models at any of our showrooms.
How can I inquire about financing options for purchasing a car?
You can contact the sales center via the unified number 920006652 or fill out the purchase request form on our website. A guest service representative will contact you to provide financing options in collaboration with our financing partners.
What is the minimum and maximum age for financing?
The eligible age range for financing is from 21 to 65 years by the end of the contract.
What is the minimum required salary for financing?
The minimum required salary for lease financing is 3,500 SAR.
Can I get a lease-to-own car from Adel Cars?
All financing and installment procedures are handled between the car user and the financing entity.

Guarantee related questions

Are all available cars covered by a warranty?
According to the Ministry of Commerce's regulations, all cars are covered by the dealer's warranty in Saudi Arabia.
What is the extended warranty?
It is a warranty that starts after the expiration of the basic dealer warranty.
What is the roadside assistance service?
Roadside assistance is a service provided by Adel Cars to help customers in the following cases: refueling, tire replacement, battery charging, keys locked inside the car, and mechanical breakdowns.
I bought a car from you, and one of its parts has a defect. What should I do?
As long as the warranty is valid, you can go directly to the main dealer for assistance and to fix the defect.

Complaint related questions

How can I check the status of my complaint if there is no response?
Complaints are usually responded to within 24 working hours. However, some complaints may require more time for review and follow-up. Guests can call our unified number 920006652 to check the status of their complaint.